How to Fight Peer Pressure
March 15, 2021
How to Fight Peer Pressure
by Stephanie
Being a teenager is hard. Combined with the pressures of school and figuring out who you want to be, it can be easy to fall victim to peer pressure.
Especially around a subject that is so normalized within teenage minds today. You're stressed out about school and your friend offers you a puff of their vape pen. It's harmless, right? You would be wrong about that. For example, propylene glycol which is commonly found in antifreeze and paint solvent. It also contains formaldehyde which is a cancer causing chemical. Sometimes, the pressure of fighting against yourself to resist the pressure to vape can be just as difficult as doing it against someone else. Also, in social situations when everyone is vaping it can be even more difficult to say no. But it is still very important that for the safety of yourself, that you resist the pressure.
Ways to do this are, saying no respectfully but firmly. You don't want to cause a scene to further aggravate the person who is pressuring you to try the vape. If they still continue to push you, it is completely okay to leave the situation. It doesn't make you any less of a person to leave a situation that is threatening your health. Another way to combat vaping in a social situation is to suggest another activity as opposed to vaping. Suggest that the group play a video game or go on a walk. If they agree, this protects you and the other people from the harmful effects of vaping. Another mechanism is stating your reasons for resisting vaping. Talking about how many chemicals are in vape pens, how addictive they are and why it is simply a bad personal decision. This can also have the impact of suggesting another activity because it can also help others to avoid vaping and to make the right decision for themselves. Teenagers typically don't see the harmful effects of vaping because it has become so normalized within circles of media. Also, with the normal flavors of vape juice such as bubble gum, cotton candy and peppermint can make teenagers think that it is harmless to them. It is important to stay educated and to educate others on the short term and long term effects of using e-cigarettes. This is why having good skills to be able to say no are so important. Do the right thing and say no to vaping. In the long term, your health is so much more important than what people think of you right now.